If you or your loved on is taken ill and have no plan in place, the difficulties can be tremendous.  An Advanced Health Care Directive will be requested by every hospital and people are often forced to execute such documents during care. Do not let that happen to you.  This will determine the level of care that continues after you lose your capacity to function, and family members can end up in a difficult situation if your wishes are not known.

Everyone in this day and age should have a trust, will, durable power of attorney and advanced health care directive so your wishes can be fulfilled. For single-asset trusts I offer immediate service and almost immediate turn-around. I am able to handle all such matters via phone, email and facetime. Do no delay. Get your matters in order now. Wills and Trusts attorneys are here to help you. Call 707-544-1134 or 925-200-2010. You can also email me at wallace@wallacefrancis.com. Stay safe.